terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2012

Netzach (Netzakh)

Venus in true-color. The surface is obscured by a thick blanket of clouds.

Uraeus, Matrix, Nought, Tantric.
Devour, Het-Heru, Hathoor, Soror.
Vesper, Silver, Shroud, Curses.
Fearless, Trample, Crucify, Golgotha.


Thelemapedia - Netzach
SinFin - Netzakh
Wikipedia - Venus
English Qabalah

Chesed (Hesed)

A composite Cassini image of Jupiter. The dark spot is the shadow of Europa .

Khabs, Akasha, King, Omega.
Chalice, Key, Alien, Defile.
Awake, Abaddon, Eloah, Pax.


Thelemapedia - Chesed
JewishVirtualLibrary - Hesed
Wikipedia - Jupiter
English Qabalah

Chokmah (Hokhmah)

Neptune from Voyager 2 with Great Dark Spot at left

Thelema, Nuit, Orbit, Paths.
Ahriman, Bright, Leaping, Spell.
Thou, Wilt, Cometh, Depart.
Israel, Qadosh, Vital, Mercy.


Thelemapedia - Chokmah
JewishVirtualLibrary - Hokhmah
Wikipedia - Neptune
English Qabalah