terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2012

Netzach (Netzakh)

Venus in true-color. The surface is obscured by a thick blanket of clouds.

Uraeus, Matrix, Nought, Tantric.
Devour, Het-Heru, Hathoor, Soror.
Vesper, Silver, Shroud, Curses.
Fearless, Trample, Crucify, Golgotha.


Thelemapedia - Netzach
SinFin - Netzakh
Wikipedia - Venus
English Qabalah

Chesed (Hesed)

A composite Cassini image of Jupiter. The dark spot is the shadow of Europa .

Khabs, Akasha, King, Omega.
Chalice, Key, Alien, Defile.
Awake, Abaddon, Eloah, Pax.


Thelemapedia - Chesed
JewishVirtualLibrary - Hesed
Wikipedia - Jupiter
English Qabalah

Chokmah (Hokhmah)

Neptune from Voyager 2 with Great Dark Spot at left

Thelema, Nuit, Orbit, Paths.
Ahriman, Bright, Leaping, Spell.
Thou, Wilt, Cometh, Depart.
Israel, Qadosh, Vital, Mercy.


Thelemapedia - Chokmah
JewishVirtualLibrary - Hokhmah
Wikipedia - Neptune
English Qabalah

quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Daath (Da'at)

Simulated view of a black hole (center) in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Note the gravitational lensing effect, which produces two enlarged but highly distorted views of the Cloud. Across the top, the Milky Way disk appears distorted into an arc

Strong gravitational lensing as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope in Abell 1689 indicates the presence of dark matter—enlarge the image to see the lensing arcs


God, Bare, Obi-Lam, Kama (Hide).
One, Camel, Grace, Vach (Kami).


Wikipedia - Da'at
TheMystica - Daath
Halexandria - Daath
Ocultura - Daäth


Wikipedia - Black Hole
Wikipedia - Dark Matter
Wikipedia - Dark Energy


Hermetic Qabalah
English Qabalah


Wikipedia - Sirius

The image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The white dwarf can be seen to the lower left.[63] The diffraction spikes and concentric rings are instrumental effects

Sirius, The Dog Star

Sirius (&) Pyramids


Computer-generated map of Pluto from Hubble images, synthesized true color[a] and among the highest resolutions possible with current technology

Work, Cabalist, Mantra, Guru.
Kheph-Ra, The One, Silence, Alchemy.
Ishmael, Water, Vesta, Hegemon.


Thelemapedia - Kether
Wikipedia - Pluto
English Qabalah


"The Blue Marble" photograph of Earth,
taken from Apollo 17

Ahathoor, Sumeria, Nephilim, Sahasrara.
Infinite, Motion, Loathing, Swoon.
Voodoo, Armour, Tantrica, Brother.
Adeptus, Knower, Revealer, Red Dragon.


Thelemapedia - Malkuth
Wikipedia - Earth
English Qabalah

quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2012

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012

Génesis (II)

”O Senhor fez então cair do céu enxofre e fogo sobre Sodoma e sobre Gomorra. Destruiu aquelas cidades e toda a região com todos os seus habitantes e toda a vegetação.”

(Bíblia Sagrada, Génesis 19: 24-25. Tradução interconfessional da Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal de 1993)


“Depois de ter expulsado o homem, Deus colocou diante do jardim do Éden os querubins e uma espada de fogo, que se movia dum lado para outro, de modo a impedir o caminho para a árvore da vida.”

(Bíblia Sagrada, Génesis 3: 24. Tradução interconfessional da Sociedade Bíblica de Portugal de 1993)





I’m in Total Darkness…
I’m in Total Light…